Perfection Is the Goal, Peace is What it Brings

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beautiful isn't it? London Fall Fashion week

Fall its so beautiful the air is cool and it reminds you of love and it is peaceful. Today went well. Yesterday not so much. I passed out and hit my head on ceramic tile and I got a concussion! Super nauseated right now and my head is pounding, but not to worry I still have 2 quizzes to study for! YEA! 

My intake went relatively well so I'm trying to complain to much. 
Total Intake: 530 
Breakfast: coffee (0 cals)
Lunch: jello (10 cals) 
snack: granola bar (260 cals)
dinner: soup (90 cals) 
            Thai noodles (170cals) 

I have done better, but I will take a laxative and call it good enough. Somedays just seem so blahh...The sad part was I was doing perfect till after class, then I got to shaky to do anything. Does this ever happen to any of you? I mean I know it was primarily the result of caffine, pain pills, and anxiety? Just wondering if you had any ideas on how to make it stop? 

Now time for some inspiration! straight from London's catwalk: Fall Fashion Week
 Parabal Gurung
 Tibi: My personal Fav!
Song of choice this week: "Let Go" by Frou Frou 
with love,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, sweetie. I hope you feel better soon, fainting is one of my biggest concerns <3

    How to make it stop? I shake like a leaf most of the time and I really don't know. Tranquilizers? I take those, and they seem to help a little tiny bit. SSRIs like Celexa don't do shit for the trembling. Neither does cutting back on the caffeine, for that matter.

    Of course food would, but... yeah.


Your word are inspiring!