Perfection Is the Goal, Peace is What it Brings

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fast, Fast!

So this week is nuts just so much time consuming work: group project, speech sample analysis, clinical hours, paper, quiz, and mid term prep! Wish me luck!
But that mean little or no blog for a while.

Although my saving grace will be fasting till october! Zero calorie anything and lots of water!
So now words of wisdom from supersize and super skinny (UK show): when your about to binge "do not give food control of your life!"

with love,


  1. Hey there! I saw your comment on my blog about the ten day challenge. Here's the link with the rules for it Last time I did it I messed up a little bit and I still lost around 11 lbs! It was amazing :) You should try it when you're done fasting <3 sunshinechild69

  2. Thank you Ell! That is exactly the perspective I needed to take on this. You really gave me the courage to keep going and pick myself back up. And the quote at the end of this post would have been perfect, sadly I just saw it too late. :/ And don't worry, I'm assessing the blood situation, I think I'll put off he doctor for a bit though (for obvious reasons). I'll be careful though. <3
    You're week sounds crazy! I don't know how some of you girls balance everything you have to do. I'm really impressed though. :) Good luck on your fast until October, you can do it! Think thin :)


Your word are inspiring!