Perfection Is the Goal, Peace is What it Brings

Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh life! What a curious mystery?

So every single day I screwed up right at the end! I would be heading to bed or off to study and then bam! Major screw up some times 90 calories of screw up some times close to 1500 calories of screw up! Three words words Fat A** Failure!

But the scale didn't reflect it go figure I lost still? I don't understand not even a little!

On with other ramblings that are not of my depressing intake!

So I may be running cross country next year for my university?! Which I'm really nervous/ excited about!
My times are better than a lot of other people, but my distance ehh well I'm working on it. Right now I'm training for a half marathon which is okay but not as god as I can do!

In other new so I'm taking a nutrition class (the joy of pre-med), which awesome, but freaking scary supposedly we are all at a risk of dying way more than most normal people, and we have a higher risk of cancer, alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and a whole slew of other horrible things!

Great I'm recovered!
Really did anyone believe that?

No instead I designed a total alkline, alzheimer's, high in calcium diet! With a complex carb that will fuel my runs!

For 600-680 calories.

And according to my goal calculator I should be 108 by december! Sweet!

More on this later! I still have four projects to tackle!

Love you all,


  1. I usually find that i lose control when i concetrate so much on when its dinner,i confine myself to the bedroom and thnk of the scale :/ works all the time..also..i try having a small snack around half an orange..its healthy,and with that in mind,im extra careful about the number not getting too high..
    ..i wish i could run..but alas..goodluck on that though! #TeamElle

  2. Good luck and do you mind sharing your plan? Thnx :)
    Stay strong! xx

  3. I always eat next to nothing during the day, never hungry, just sip on tea & coffee, fruit if I get peckish.. Come dinner time I'll eat whatever is in front of me and spoil it every day! It sucks! Would love to see your plan though :)

    Si xx


Your word are inspiring!